Biology Reference
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Fig. 2.1 Schema indicating the morpho-functional processes during active growth in
Laminariales. In distal thallus regions, photosynthetic carbon fixation via RUBISCO and biosyn-
thetic processes in the Calvin-Benson cycle are connected through translocation of low-weight
molecular sugars (e.g., mannitol) with anaplerotic processes mediated by LICF in the intercalary
meristem. PGA , 3-phosphoglycerate; GAP , glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate; PK , Pyruvate kinase;
PD , Pyruvate dehydrogenase; PEP-CK , Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase; PEP , Phospoenol-
pyruvate; RuBP , ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate
anaplerotic reactions (Kremer 1981 ; Cabello-Pasini and Alberte 2001b ). In
Rhodophyta, anaplerotic consumption of storage carbohydrates has been less stud-
ied. In Gelidium coulteri grown under N starvation, rates of LICF were relatively
low (1-7%), floridoside was rapidly consumed in glycolysis, and an important
fraction of the 14 C labeling was allocated to amino acids of the tricarboxylic
acids cycle (Macler 1986 ). This pattern has been found in other Rhodophyta and
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