Biology Reference
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Fig. 18.1 Changes in the extent of biogeographical regions after Briggs ( 1995 ) due to global
warming at the end of the twentieth century inferred from current (1980-1999) and future
(2080-2099) mean February sea surface isotherms. The mean February sea-surface isotherms
delimiting current biogeographical regions are depicted in figure a . The future extension of the
biogeographical regions ( b ) is based on the modeled change of the mean February sea surface
isotherms at the present boundaries of the respective regions. Projected changes are indicated by
bold coastal lines. Color code of biogeographical regions: turquoise: Polar regions, blue-green :
cold-temperate regions, yellow : warm-temperate regions, red : tropical regions. Color code of
isotherms: blue : winter isotherms, red : summer isotherms, gray : isotherms characterizing the
central tropics
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