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beds in the Strait of Gibraltar and in the Alboran Sea. The use of ROVs makes it
possible to avoid the problems associated with deep water diving in areas with
strong currents. However, our knowledge of functional ecology and trophic ecology
of these communities is very sparse. This gap needs to be addressed in order to
understand the contribution of kelp forests in the Strait of Gibraltar and the Alboran
Sea to the nutrient cycles and productivity of higher trophic levels.
15.7 Concluding Remarks
Kelp forests are one of the most characteristic seaweed communities in temperate
oceans. They receive a lot of attention due to their ecological roles, their commer-
cial interests (i.e., as a source of alginates), or because they are the nursery and
habitat of fishery species such as lobsters, crabs, and mollusks. However, the
singular deep water kelp forests from the Strait of Gibraltar and the Alboran Sea
long remained almost unknown to the phycological community. The structure of
kelp forests and kelp beds, the species richness, and some autoecological topics
have been addressed. However, ecological processes such as the role of nutrient
cycles or their contribution to higher trophic levels remain unstudied.
Acknowledgments Agust´n Barraj´n was my excellent dive partner for more than 2,000 deep
water dives in different locations in the Alboran Sea and the Strait of Gibraltar. The research work
was enriched by collaboration (and sometimes diving) with the following colleagues worldwide:
Mar´a Altamirano, Francisco Conde, Jos´ A. Fern´ndez, F´lix L. Figueroa, Eric C. Henry (who
also revised the English style and usage of this chapter), Hiroshi Kawai, ´ ngel A. Luque, F. Xavier
Niell, Jos´ Templado, and Christian Wiencke. Jos´ C. Moreno and the organization OCEANA
were the authors of the submarine photographs. The writing of the chapter was financially
supported by the Junta de Andaluc´a Research Group RNM-115.
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