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addressed (Hagemann 2011 ). The main reason for this huge gap in knowledge
between both organism groups is related to available genome information. Without
genomic data or other modern approaches such as metabolomics or proteomics, it is
still difficult to evaluate molecular mechanisms, such as ion transport across
membranes, biosynthesis of organic osmolytes, gene expression, and regulation.
Therefore, the establishment of more genomes of model seaweeds is urgently
needed to get a fundamental understanding of salinity and desiccation stress
responses. A first step has been recently taken with the brown alga Ectocarpus
siliculosus (Cock et al. 2010 ), so that deeper insight into the molecular biology of
osmotic acclimation can be expected in the near future.
Acknowledgments The author likes to thank many of his colleagues for excellent collaboration
on salinity stress in seaweeds over the last two decades, particularly Robert King, Gunter Kirst,
Annika Mostaert, John West, and Christian Wiencke, as well as the Deutsche Forschungsge-
meinschaft for funding various projects.
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