Database Reference
In-Depth Information
> use blog
switched to db blog
> show collections
MongoDB User Roles
Currently MongoDB supports the following roles that users can have within its permissions framework:
read —Allows the user to read from the given database.
readWrite —Grants the user read and write access to the given database.
dbAdmin —Allows the user to perform administrative functions within the given database
such as creating or removing indexes, viewing statistics or accessing the system.profile
userAdmin —Allows the user to write to the system.users collection. With this permission you
can create, delete, and administer the users for this database.
clusterAdmin —Available only within the admin database. Confers full administrative access to
all sharding and replica set-related functions.
readAnyDatabase —Available only within the admin database. Grants the read permission on
all databases.
readWriteAnyDatabase —Available only within the admin database. Grants the readWrite
permission on all databases.
userAdminAnyDatabase —Available only within the admin database. Grants the userAdmin
permission on all databases.
dbAdminAnyDatabase —Available only within the admin database. Grants the dbAdmin
permission on all databases.
Delegated Credentials
As mentioned earlier, beginning with the 2.4 release of MongoDB it is possible to have one master user and then
create subsequent users that use the master user's credentials for authentication, a feature called creating delegated
credentials . Let's say we create the user tes t on our foo database as follows:
> use foo
> db.addUser(user : "test", pwd: "password", roles: ["readWrite" ])
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