Database Reference
In-Depth Information
if you enable authentication before adding the admin users, you will only be able to access your database
via localhost, meaning a connection made from the machine hosting the mongoDb instance. this is a security feature
designed to allow administrators to create users after having enabled authentication.
Adding an Admin User
Adding the admin user is as simple as changing to the admin database and using the addUser() function:
> use admin
> db.addUser({user : "admin", pwd: "pass", roles: [ "readWrite", "dbAdmin" ] })
"user" : "admin",
"pwd" : "e4e538f5dcb52537cad02bbf8491693c",
"roles" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5239915b1ce3dc1efebb3c84")
You only need to add a single admin user at this point; once that user is defined, you can use it to add other admin
users to the admin database or normal users to any other database.
Enabling Authentication
Now you need to alter your server's configuration to enable authentication. Do so by stopping your server and adding
--auth to the startup parameters.
If you installed MongoDB with a packaged installer such as yum or Aptitude, then typically you can edit /etc/
mongodb.conf to enable auth=true . Next, you can use the following command to restart the server and enable
$sudo service mongodb restart
In addition to auth you can also use a keyfile , a file that contains a preshared key of some description, which is
used to confirm communication between MongoDB nodes. To create a keyfile, just create a simple file with a phrase
or string in it to be used. Then add the option keyfile=/path/to/keyfile just as you did with auth . You can even
remove the old auth=true option, as running with keyfile implies auth .
Authenticating in the mongo Console
Before you can run restricted commands in the admin database, you will need to be authenticated as an admin user, as
in the following example:
> use admin
switched to db admin
>show collections
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