Database Reference
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The $group command does what its name suggests; it groups documents together so you can create an aggregate
of the results. Let's start by creating a simple group command that will list out all the different colors within our
“aggregation” collection. To begin, we create an _id document that will list all the elements from our collection that
we want to group. So, we start our pipeline document with the $group command and add to it our _id document:
{ $group : { _id : "$color" } }
Now you can see we have the _id value of "$color" . Note that there is a $ sign in front of the name color ; this
indicates that the element is a reference from a field in our documents. That gives us our basic document structure, so
let's execute the aggregation:
> db.aggregation.aggregate( { $group : { _id : "$color" } } )
"result" : [
"_id" : "red"
"_id" : "maroon"
"_id" : "grey"
"_id" : "blue"
"ok" : 1
From the results of the $group operator you can see that we have a number of different colors in our result stack. The
result is an array of elements, which contain a number of documents, each with an _id value of one of the colors
in the "color" field from a document. This doesn't really tell us much, so let's expand what we do with our $group
command. We can add a count to our group with the $sum operator, which can increment a value for each instance of
the value found. To do this, we add an extra value to our $group command by providing a name for the new field and
what its value should be. In this case, we want a field called "count", as it represents the number of times each color
occurs; its value is to be {$sum : 1} , which means that we want to create a sum per document and increase it by 1
each time. This gives us the following document:
{ $group : { _id : "$color", count : { $sum : 1 } }
Let's run our aggregation with this new document:
> db.aggregation.aggregate({ $group : { _id : "$color", count : { $sum : 1 } } }
"result" : [
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