Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Modifying a Document Atomically
You can use the find_and_modify() function to modify a document atomically and return the results. The
find_and_modify() function can be used to update only a single document—and nothing more. You should also
keep in mind that the document returned will not by default include the modifications made; getting this information
requires that you specify an additional argument, new: True .
The find_and_modify() function can be used with multiple parameters, and you must include either the update
parameter or the remove parameter. The following list covers all the available parameters, explaining what they are
and what they do:
query : Specifies a filter for the query. If this isn't specified, then all documents in the collection
will be seen as possible candidates, after which the first document it encounters will be
updated or removed.
update : Specifies the information to update the document with. Note that any of the modifying
operators specified previously can be used for this.
upsert : If set to True , performs an upsert.
sort : Sorts the matching documents in a specified order.
full_response : If set to True , returns the entire response object.
remove : If set to True , removes the first matching document.
new : If set to True , returns the updated document rather than the selected document. This is
not set by default, however, which might be a bit confusing sometimes.
fields : Specifies the fields you would like to see returned, rather than the entire document.
This works identically to the find() function. Note that the _id field will always be returned
unless explicitly disabled.
Putting the Parameters to Work
You know what the parameters do; now it's time to use them in a real-world example in conjunction with the
find_and_modify() function. Begin by using find_and_modify() to search for any document that has a key/value
pair of "Type" : "Desktop" —and then update each document that matches the query by setting an additional key/value
pair of "Status" : "In repair" . Finally, you want to ensure that MongoDB returns the updated document(s),
rather than the old document(s) matching the query:
>>> collection.find_and_modify(query={"Type" : "Desktop"},
... update={'$set' : {'Status' : 'In repair'} }, new=True )
u'ok': 1.0,
u'value': {
u'Status': u'In repair',
u'Tags': [u'Desktop', u'In use', u'Marketing', u'Warranty'],
u'ItemNumber': u'4532FOO',
u'Location': {
u'Department': u'Marketing',
u'Building': u'2B',
u'Owner': u'Martin, Lisa',
u'Desknumber': 131131
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