Database Reference
In-Depth Information
u'Owner': u'Smith, Simon',
u'Desk': 120102
u'_id': ObjectId('4c57234c4abffe0e0c000001'),
u'Type': u'Laptop'
>>> for doc in collection.find({"Location.Desk" : {"$gte" : 120102} }):
... doc
u'Status': u'In use',
u'Tags': [u'Laptop', u'Development', u'In Use'],
u'ItemNumber': u'2345FDX',
u'Location': {
u'Department': u'Development',
u'Building': u'2B',
u'Floor': 12,
u'Owner': u'Smith, Simon',
u'Desk': 120102
u'_id': ObjectId('4c57234c4abffe0e0c000001'),
u'Type': u'Laptop'
u'Status': u'In use',
u'Tags': [u'Laptop', u'Development', u'In Use'],
u'ItemNumber': u'3456TFS',
u'Location': {
u'Department': u'Development',
u'Building': u'2B',
u'Floor': 12,
u'Owner': u'Walker, Jan',
u'Desk': 120103
u'_id': ObjectId('4c57234c4abffe0e0c000002'),
u'Type': u'Laptop'
Searching for Non-Matching Values with $ne
You can use the $ne (not equals) operator to search for any documents in a collection that do not match specified criteria.
This operator requires one parameter, the key and value information that a document should not have for the result
to return a match:
>>> collection.find({"Status" : {"$ne" : "In use"}}).count()
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