Information Technology Reference
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product is released. Every programmer in the company is working 10 hours a day, 7 days
a week.
Divide the class into four groups: three groups of recruiters and one group of
students about to graduate from college. Each group of recruiters, representing one
of the three companies, should make a “pitch” that highlights the reasons why their
company represents the best opportunity. The graduates should raise possible negative
aspects of working for each company.
30. Debate the following proposition: “It is immoral for a corporation to pay its chief
executive officer (CEO) 400 times as much as a production worker.”
Further Reading and Viewing
Nick Bilton. “The Robot World Is Emerging at Amazon.” New York Times , March 26, 2012.
Jason Borenstein. “Work Life in the Robotic Age.” Communications of the ACM , July 2010.
Philip K. Dick. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Del Ray, New York, NY, 1996. (Origi-
nally published in 1968)
Alan Joch. “Debating Net Neutrality.” Communications of the ACM , October 2009.
Kevin Kelly. “Better Than Human: Why Robots Will—and Must—Take Our Jobs.” Wired ,
December 24, 2012.
Yul Kwon. “Made in the USA.” America Revisited , May 2, 2012. 53:10.
Steven Levy. “The AI Revolution Is On.” Wired , January 2010.
“Morals and the Machine” and “March of the Robots.” Economist , June 2, 2012.
“Not Always with Us.” Economist , June 1, 2013.
A. Pawlowski. “Why Is America the 'No-Vacation Nation'?” CNN, May 23, 2011. www.cnn
Daniel Suarez. “The Kill Decision Shouldn't Belong to a Robot.” TED Talk, June 2013. 13:20.
Sebastian Thrun. “Google's Driverless Car.” TED Talk, March 2011. 4:14.
Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. Player Piano . Dell, New York, NY, 1988. (Originally published in 1952.)
Jeffrey Kosseff. “US Calls, India Answers.” Sunday Oregonian (Portland, Oregon),
October 5, 2003.
Vikas Balaj. “A New Capital of Call Centers.” New York Times , November 25, 2011.
Isaac Asimov. “Runaround.” Amazing Science Fiction , March 1942.
Kurt Vonnegut Jr. Player Piano . Delacourte Press, New York, NY, 1952.
“The Misery of Manufacturing.” Economist , pp. 61-62, September 27, 2003.
Todd Lassa. “Toyota, Chrysler Have North America's Most Efficient Plants.” Motor
Trend (blog), July 5, 2008.
Stanley Aronowitz, Dawn Esposito, William DiFazio, and Margaret Yard. “The Post-
Work Manifesto.” In Post-Work: The Wages of Cybernation , pp. 31-80. Edited by Stan-
ley Aronowitz and Jonathan Cutler. Routledge, New York, NY, 1998.
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