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What surprises you the most about communications in the corporate world?
I'm not so sure I'm surprised, but I think there are a number of things that seem to be missing that
would make a big difference if they were present:
1. If managers wrote more of their own communication pieces and signed them, they would come
across as more authentic. Employees are also highly skeptical about positive spin writing and
admire a more direct, what-is-so way of writing.
2. Written notes of acknowledgment and appreciation mean so much to people. We keep them for
years. Yet handwritten notes to individuals and groups are a lost art.
3. An essential part of being effective is having the ability to set up a conversation, keep it on track,
and wrap it up, not only in meetings but also in hallway conversations. These process skills are
often missing at all levels of the organization.
4. Making specific commitments with clear due dates would reduce the amount of upsets that occur
with unfulfilled expectations and lack of progress.
5. Checking in with people about their families, projects, weekends, and then engaging and enjoying
in the conversation that follows is another piece that technical folks tend not to do.
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