Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
3. What is the maximum penalty for violating the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act?
4. Why is it dangerous to surf the Web using an open Wi-Fi network; that is, one that does
not require a password?
5. Define the following terms in your own words:
Backdoor Trojan
Cross-site scripting
Drive-by download
Trojan horse
Wo r m
6. Why is it dangerous for an email program to open attachments automatically, without
waiting for the user to select them?
7. Soon after the Internet worm was released, Andy Sudduth sent out an email explaining
how to stop the worm. Why was this email of no help to the system administrators
fighting the spread of the worm?
8. In your own words, define each of these terms:
Denial-of-service attack
Distributed denial-of-service attack
Spear phishing
SQL injection
9. Give two examples of how criminal organizations have used the Internet to make money.
10. What is a cyber attack?
11. If converting SCADA systems to the Internet protocol increases the risk of a hacker
taking control of an industrial process, why are companies converting SCADA systems
to IP?
12. What did the Stuxnet worm do?
13. Explain two different ways a vote thief could cast multiple votes in an online election.
Discussion Questions
14. In a study done in London, people in subway stations were offered a cheap pen in return
for disclosing their passwords. About 90 percent offered their passwords in return for
the pen [95]. What can be done to get people to take security more seriously?
15. Email viruses are typically launched by people who modify header information to hide
their identity. Brightmail's Enrique Salem says that in the future, your email reader will
authenticate the sender before putting the message in your inbox. That way, you will
know the source of all the emails you read. Alan Nugent of Novell says, “I'm kind of
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