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FIGURE 1.3 This illustration from Gregor Reisch's Margarita Philosophica , published in
1503, shows two aids to manual calculating. The person on the left is using a tablet; the
person on the right is adding numbers using a counting board, a type of abacus. (Heritage
anism invented by Leibniz to create the Arithmometer, the first commercially successful
calculator. Many insurance companies purchased Arithmometers to help their actuaries
compute rate tables more rapidly [9].
Swedish publisher Georg Scheutz was intimately familiar with printing errors as-
sociated with the production of mathematical tables. He resolved to build a machine
capable of automatically calculating and typesetting table values. Scheutz knew about
the earlier work of English mathematician Charles Babbage, who had demonstrated how
a machine could compute the values of polynomial functions through the method of
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