Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
Plate 9.3: Singapore waterfront. The
area has been developed into a
restaurant district through the
conscious application of tourism policy
and planning measures.
As with planning, geographers have long held a substantial interest in policy-making,
although it is only since the early 1990s that such concerns have found substantial
expression in the tourism sphere (e.g. Fagence 1990, 1991; D.G.Pearce 1992a, 1992b;
Hall and Jenkins 1995). Public policy is the focal point of government activity. Public
policy 'is whatever governments choose to do or not to do'(Dye 1992:2). This definition
covers government action, inaction, decisions and non-decisions as it implies a deliberate
choice between alternatives. For a policy to be regarded as public policy, at the very least
it must have been processed, even
Plate 9.4: Granville Island,
Vancouver, Canada, is one of the best
examples in the world of an integrated
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