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Managing WildFly 8 with the web interface
The web interface is a Google Web Toolkit ( GWT ) application, which can be used to
manage a standalone or domain WildFly distribution. The GWT application known in
JBoss AS 7 has been updated to match the new visual theme. It was also extended with
new features, such as role-based security and patching support. By default, it is deployed
on a localhost on the 9990 port; the property that controls the port socket binding is , as specified in the server configuration ( stan-
dalone.xml/domain.xml ). The server configuration is given in the following code
<socket-binding-group name="standard-sockets"
<socket-binding name="management-http"
. . . . . . . . .
Wildfly 8 is secured out of the box and the default security mechanism is based on a user-
name or password, making use of HTTP Digest. The reason for securing the server by de-
fault is that if the management interfaces are accidentally exposed on a public IP address,
authentication is required to connect. For this reason, there is no default user in the distri-
The users are stored in a properties file called under stan-
dalone/configuration or domain/configuration depending on the running mode of the serv-
er. This file contains the username information along with a precalculated hash of the user-
name, plus the name of the realm and user's password.
To manipulate the files and add users, the server has provided utilities such as add- and add-user.bat to add the users and generate hashes. So just execute the
script and follow the guided process. This is shown in the following screenshot:
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