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The WildFly 8 directory layout
The difference between standalone and domain reflects in the directory layout of the ap-
plication server is shown in the following diagram:
As you can see in the preceding diagram, the WildFly directory layout is divided into two
main parts: the first one is pertinent to a standalone server mode and the other is dedicated
to a domain server mode. Common to both server modes is the modules directory, which
is the heart of the application server.
WildFly is based on the JBoss Modules project, which provides an implementation of a
modular (nonhierarchical) class loading and an execution environment for Java. In other
words, rather than a single class loader that loads all JARs into a flat class path, each lib-
rary becomes a module, which only links to the exact modules it depends on and nothing
more. It implements a thread safe, fast, and highly concurrent delegating class loader mod-
el, coupled with an extensible module resolution system. This combines to form a unique,
simple, and powerful system for application execution and distribution.
The following table details the content of each folder present in the root folder of
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