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Writing an Arquillian test
If you have been working with JUnit ( ), you will find a similar Arquil-
lian test, with some extra spice in it.
In order to do this, we will use Eclipse and Maven, just as we have done so far. If you are
about to add test classes to your project, there is obviously no need to create a new project
for this purpose. However, for learning purposes, we delivered this example in a separate
project so that you can see exactly what to add in order to run Arquillian tests.
In order to avoid recreating the whole project from scratch, you could simply clone the
ticket-agency-jpa project and name it ticket-agency-test , moving the root
package from com.packtpub.wflydevelopment.chapter5 to
com.packtpub.wflydevelopment.chapter13 . If this still seems like too much
work, you could simply import the Chapter13 project from the topic sample.
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