Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Getting started with Arquillian
Although Arquillian does not depend on a specific build tool, it is commonly used with
Maven; it offers dependency management and thus simplifies the task of including the Ar-
quillian libraries in the application since they are distributed in the Central Maven reposit-
Depending on the type of archetype you used for generation, you might have a different
folder structure in your project; this is not an issue. What is really important is that you
provide the following structure under your src folder:
main/java/ : Place all application Java source files here (under the Java pack-
main/resources/ : Place all application configuration files here
test/java/ : Place all test Java source files here (under the Java package)
test/resources/ : Place all test configuration files here (for example, per-
sistence.xml )
So by now, we will be working under test/java , which is where we will place our first
Arquillian test class.
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