Java Reference
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<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:ee:2.0">
<managed-executor-service name="default"
context-service="default" hung-task-threshold="60000"
core-threads="5" max-threads="25" keepalive-time="5000" />
As you can see, the standalone.xml file contains the configuration of the default
ManagedExecutorService . You can add a new custom configuration with another
name and JNDI path; you can also create a separate one for every deployed application.
Note that the default ManagedExecutorService has two JNDI names: the one in the con-
figuration and the one defined in the Java EE specification ( java:comp/De-
faultManagedExecutorService ). You can switch to the default executor service
(and other components) using the default-bindings tag in the standalone.xml file.
Let's take a closer look at some of the properties of the executor service:
core-threads : This defines how many threads should be alive in the thread pool
all the time (even if those threads are idle and the server is handling no user re-
max-threads : This states how many threads the server can start (including the
core threads) if necessary, for instance, when under heavy load.
keepalive-time : This defines after how many milliseconds a thread can be idle
before the server kills it (it only applies if there are more threads running than the
core-threads parameter specified). This configuration value defines how long the
server will keep around the additional threads when they are not needed anymore.
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