Java Reference
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Chapter11.Clustering WildFly
In the previous chapters, we went through the most interesting aspects of developing Java
Enterprise applications. Once you are ready to roll out your applications, it is important that
you guarantee your customers a responsive and fault-tolerant environment. This require-
ment can be achieved through application server clustering.
WildFly clustering is not the product of a single library or specification, but rather a blend
of technologies. In this chapter, we will first introduce some of the basics of clustered pro-
gramming. Then, we will quickly move on to the cluster configuration and its setup, which
will be required to deploy some clustered applications.
The following list is a preview of the topics that will be covered in this chapter:
• What clustering is and how WildFly implements it
• Setting up clusters in the standalone and domain mode
• Developing clustered Java EE 7 applications in order to achieve load balancing and
high availability
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