Java Reference
In-Depth Information
An overview of Java EE and WildFly
Java EE (formerly called J2EE) is an umbrella specification embracing a standard set of
technologies for server-side Java development. Java EE technologies include Java Servlet,
JavaServerPages ( JSPs ), JavaServerFaces ( JSFs ), EnterpriseJavaBeans ( EJB ), Con-
texts andDependency Injection ( CDI ), Java MessagingService ( JMS ), JavaPersisten-
ce API ( JPA ), Java API for XMLWeb Services ( JAX-WS ), and Java APIfor RESTful
Web Services ( JAX-RS ), among others. The newest version of Java EE extends the range
of available technologies even further by providing support for Batch Applications, Con-
currency Utilities, JSON Processing ( JSON-P ) and WebSocket. Several commercial and
open source application servers exist, which allow developers to run applications compliant
with Java EE; WildFly (formerly known as JBoss AS) is the leading open source solution
adopted by developers and, although this is difficult to measure in exact terms, it is likely
to be the most widely used application server in the market.
As with all application servers compliant with Java EE, WildFly ships with all the required
libraries to allow us to develop and deploy Java applications that are built on the Java EE
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