Java Reference
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02:21:35,437 INFO [org.wildfly.extension.undertow] (MSC
service thread 1-7) JBAS017534: Registered web context:
The full URL of the endpoint is ws://localhost:8080/ticket-agency-web-
sockets/hello , which is just a concatenation of the server and application address
with an endpoint path on an appropriate protocol.
The second used annotation @OnOpen defines the endpoint behavior when the connection
from the client is opened. It's not the only behavior-related annotation of the WebSocket
endpoint. Let's look to the following table:
Annotation Description
The connection is open. With this annotation, we can use the Session and EndpointConfig parameters. The first para-
meter represents the connection to the user and allows further communication. The second one provides some client-related
@OnMessage This annotation is executed when a message from the client is being received. In such a method, you can just have Session
and for example, the String parameter, where the String parameter represents the received message.
There are bad times when an error occurs. With this annotation, you can retrieve a Throwable object apart from standard
Session .
When the connection is closed, it is possible to get some data concerning this event in the form of the CloseReason type
There is one more interesting line in our HelloEndpoint . Using the Session object,
it is possible to communicate with the client. This clearly shows that in WebSockets, two-
directional communication is easily possible. In this example, we decided to respond to a
connected user synchronously ( getBasicRemote() ) with just a text message Hi!
( sendText (String) ). Of course, it's also possible to communicate asynchronously
and send, for example, sending binary messages using your own binary bandwidth saving
protocol. We will present some of these processes in the next example.
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