Java Reference
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Coding SOAP web services with WildFly
In the first deliverable, we will show how easily you can turn a plain Java class into a web
service. The newly created service will then be tested using a simple Eclipse-based testing
GUI. The second part of this section will draw your attention to how EJBs can be exposed
as web service endpoints by enhancing your ticket application with a web service.
Developing a POJO web service
We will start developing web services, using our project from Chapter 4 , Learning Context
and Dependency Injection ( ticket-agency-cdi ) as a base. We will omit the current
JSF-based web layer for now. You can safely remove all of the JSF-related classes and con-
figurations. If you encounter any problems, remember that you'll find a fully working pro-
ject in the code examples, upon completion of this chapter.
Our first class will not be related to our ticket application, but it will just demonstrate how
to create a web service from a POJO class named CalculatePowerWebService . This
class has a method named calculatePower , which returns the power of an argument,
as shown in the following highlighted code:
package com.packtpub.wflydevelopment.chapter7.boundary;
public class CalculatePowerWebService {
public double calculatePower (double base, double
exponent) {
return Math.pow(base, exponent);
Now, we will turn this simple class into a web service by adding the mandatory @We-
bService annotation:
package com.packtpub.wflydevelopment.chapter7.webservice;
import javax.jws.WebMethod;
import javax.jws.WebParam;
import javax.jws.WebResult;
import javax.jws.WebService;
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