Java Reference
In-Depth Information
<h:messages styleClass="messages"
style="list-style: none; padding:0; margin:0;"
errorClass="alert alert-error" infoClass="alert
warnClass="alert alert-warning"
globalOnly="true" />
// some code
As you can see, the preceding view contains a form to enter a new seat type in the topmost
section. The highlighted input text will actually pass data to the SeatType object, which
will be transferred to the TheatreSetupService CDI Bean and ultimately persisted
when the user clicks on the Add button.
You may also notice many class attributes on the tags. These attributes refer to the CSS
classes defined by Bootstrap; we use them to visualize our validation. If a user places
some invalid data in a form input, a proper CSS class is assigned to it (Bootstrap's has-
error method in our case). This is, however, a strictly frontend-related addition. The
JSF validation message will be shown with or without it thanks to the h:messages tag
and the Bean Validation constraints defined in the earlier part of this chapter.
An interesting addition is the fact that we use one of the JSF 2.2 features, which eases in-
tegration with HTML5 frontend frameworks, the pass-through attributes. By using
the xmlns:p= namespacein
p:placeholder , we instruct JSF to ignore an unknown attribute and pass it straight to
the renderer. Then, Bootstrap's internal mechanisms can interpret the attribute, and
provide our input controls with placeholder text, which disappears after a control gains fo-
The next part of the setup.xhtml file is available in the following code:
<div class="col-md-6">
<div class="panel panel-default">
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