Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Extending the SandboxApplication class
Once your project has been set up, you need to create three blank files for Premake to dis-
Create the source and header files as follows:
Now, it's time to regenerate the Visual Studio solution by executing vs2008.bat ,
vs2010.bat , vs2012.bat , or vs2013.bat . When you open the Visual Studio solu-
tion, you'll see your brand new My_Sandbox project!
Each of the sandbox demos is set up to extend the base SandboxApplication class
and declare where to find the corresponding Lua script files for the executable.
Declaring your MySandbox class follows the same pattern and looks as follows:
MySandbox.h :
#include "demo_framework/include/SandboxApplication.h"
class MySandbox : public SandboxApplication {
virtual ~MySandbox(void);
virtual void Initialize();
Inheriting from SandboxApplication gives you a base to start with. For now, we're
only going to override the default behavior of Initialize in order to add the resource
location for our Lua scripts.
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