Game Development Reference
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Creating a new sandbox project
First, to create a new sandbox executable, we need to declare a new Visual Studio demo
project within the Premake build scripts. You can add a new sandbox project by opening
the SandboxDemos.lua script and appending a new entry to the SandboxDemos
table. In this case, you can name your my_sandbox demo or any other name you'd like.
The project name will determine the name of the executable that is built:
SandboxDemos.lua :
SandboxDemos = {
All the heavy lifting of configuring a sandbox demo actually takes place in the pre-
make.lua file by the CreateDemoProject function. The premake.lua script
simply loops over all entries within the SandboxDemos table and creates the correspond-
ing projects, setting up the source files, project dependencies, library includes, and so on.
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