Game Development Reference
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Cell inertia
One of the key attributes that determine how influence spreads throughout the influence
map is based on the inertia of the current value of each cell, which is essentially the resist-
ance of the cell to not change from its current value. Cell inertia is a means of linearly con-
trolling the amount of influence propagation.
The use of inertia in an influence map is one of many controls used to specify how influen-
ces will dissipate within an area. As the use of influence maps varies depending on the type
of application, different knobs are useful in order to tune expected outcomes based on how
your agents will use the influence map data:
Sandbox.SetInertia(sandbox, influenceMapLayer, inertiaValue);
Setting the inertia to 1 or 100 percent prevents any influence from propagating to surround-
ing cells.
Cell inertia of 1.0, 100 percent inertia
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