Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Configuring navigation meshes
Generating a navmesh requires some basic information about the type of agents that will
use pathfinding with the mesh. By default, the sandbox will autopopulate navmesh config-
uration, unless overriding values are provided during the generation.
Passing overrides to Recast happens through a Lua table. The properties shown in the fol-
lowing code snippet are the default values that are used when generating a navmesh
without passing any override values to Sandbox.CreateNavigationMesh :
local configuration = {
MinimumRegionArea = 50,
WalkableClimbHeight = agent:GetHeight() / 10,
WalkableHeight = agent:GetHeight(),
WalkableRadius = agent:GetRadius() * 1.25,
WalkableSlopeAngle = 15
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