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w 0
2 a
Figure 10-5. Schematic of an AFM indentation of a thin-walled microcapsule.
however, taken into account for the deviation of force-displacement
relation from a non-adhesive surface indented by an AFM-tip.
3.1.2. Shell model
Contrasting the balloon model, Boulbitch et al . 19 derived a shell model
that ignores membrane stretching but accounts for the out-of-plane
bending stresses only. The indented profile w is found to be
w = w t K 0 (
)/ K 0 (
and a linear spring constant k as
k =
π Rp ζ [ K 1 (
)/ K 0 (
= c/a , and K i is the i th order of second kind modified
Bessel function. For the model to be valid, the indentation depth must be
negligibly small compared to the cell membrane thickness.
= r/a ,
3.1.3. Model including both bending and stretching
To circumvent the shortcomings of the two aforementioned modeling
approaches, Wan et al . 20 developed a model which takes account of both
bending and stretching stresses. Here a spherical capsule with wall
thickness, b , elastic modulus, E , Poisson's ratio,
, and original
membrane pressure,
σ 0 = pR /2 b , is indented via an AFM tip. The loading
process breaks down into 2 consecutive steps: (i) the capsule is
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