Biomedical Engineering Reference
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framework for nanoindentation and the fundamental contact mechanics
principles on which nanoindentation data analysis is based, Part II of this
volume contains reviews of nanoindentation testing results in chapters
divided by material groups: bone ( Chapter 7 ), tooth tissues ( Chapter 8 ),
soft (non-mineralized) tissues and other biological materials ( Chapter 9 ).
The indentation of biological cells and cell membranes is also
considered, including the introduction of new analytical frameworks
for membrane problems ( Chapter 10 ). Finally, the volume concludes
with an outlook for future research and developments in this field
( Chapter 11 ).
The authors thank Robert F. Cook, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD, for
assistance with Fig. 1-2 .
1. C. Viney, K. Katti, F.-J. Ulm and C. Hellmich (editors), Mechanical properties of
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2. P. Fratzl, W. J. Landis, R. Wang and F. H. Silver (editors), Structure and mechanical
behavior of biological materials, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc . 874, Warrendale, PA
3. A. J. Bushby, V. L. Ferguson, C.-C. Ko and M. L. Oyen (editors), Mechanical
behavior of biological and biomimetic systems, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc . 898E,
Warrendale, PA (2006).
4. M. L. Oyen, A. J. Bushby, A. Mann and C. Ortiz, J. Mater. Res . 21 , 1869 (2006).
5. Y. C. Fung, Biomechanics: Motion, Flow, Stress and Growth , Springer-Verlag
6. Y. C. Fung, Biomechanics: Mechanical Properties of Living Tissues, 2nd edition,
Springer-Verlag (1993).
7. J. F. Vincent, O. A. Bogatyreva, N. R. Bogatyrev, A. Bowyer and A. K. Pahl, J. R.
Soc. Interface 3 , 471 (2006).
8. Z. Tang, N. A. Kotov, S. Magonov and B. Ozturk, Nature Mater . 2 , 413 (2003).
9. M. L. Oyen, Mater. Res. Soc. Bull . 33 , 49 (2008).
10. B. Alberts, A. Johnson, J. Lewis, M. Raff, K. Roberts and P. Walter, Molecular
Biology of the Cell, 4th ed. , Garland Science, Taylor and Francis (2002).
11. J. F. V. Vincent and U. G. K. Wegst, Arthropod. Struc. Dev. 33 , 187 (2004).
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