Cryptography Reference
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10.1 Introduction
Of all the capabilities afforded by quantum information science [1], quantum
key distribution (QKD; for a review, see Reference [2]) currently shows the
most promise for practical implementation. Accordingly, there has been a con-
certed effort to develop QKD schemes that mitigate the technical challenges
associated with existing approaches. Among the successes in this effort are the
development of noise-immune (alignment-free) schemes for polarization [3]
and time-bin [4-7] qubits. A further advance is the development of a sym-
metric scheme for time-bin qubits in which neither Alice nor Bob is required
to make active changes to their setups [8]. Here we use the term symmetric to
describe QKD schemes in which a central source distributes some number of
photons to both Alice and Bob, so that they share entanglement. This is in con-
trast to round-trip and one-way configurations, in which the photons move
according to Bob
Bob, respectively. Here we show
that symmetry and noise-immunity can be combined in a single implementa-
tion, for both polarization and time-bin qubits. Beginning with polarization-
coded QKD, we first present a round-trip scheme in which noise-immunity is
achieved by sampling the channel birefringence twice (once on the way from
Bob to Alice and once on the way back). Second, we show how Klyshko's “ad-
vanced wave interpretation” (AWI) [9] can be used to transform this round-
trip scheme into a one-way scheme imbued with passive detection. Third, we
apply the AWI again to obtain a symmetric noise-immune scheme in which
both Alice and Bob have passive setups. We then repeat these three steps for
time-bin-coded QKD. For each scheme, we present a feasible implementation
that relies only on current technology.
Bob, and Alice
10.2 Noise-Immune Polarization-Coded
10.2.1 Round-Trip Noise-Immune
Polarization-Coded QKD
The left column of Figure 10.1 shows the space-time diagrams of three noise-
immune polarization-coded QKD schemes. For polarization qubits, noise-
immune means that the scheme is immune to channel birefringence. The first
scheme [Figure 10.1(A)] requires a round trip and is active (both Alice and
Bob are required to make changes to their respective setups). The scheme
runs as follows. Bob randomly chooses between polarization states
(here, and for the rest of this chapter, we suppress normalization
factors) and sends a single photon in that state to Alice. Alice uses a Faraday
mirror to reflect that single photon back, and she also sends along an auxil-
iary unpolarized photon. Alice encodes a single bit by controlling the time
ordering of the two photons she sends to Bob. Bob then measures each pho-
ton in the basis associated with the state of the initial photon he sent. Without
knowing which state Bob sent to Alice, Eve cannot deterministically learn
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