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(4) Conversely, the transition from a pure agglomeration to a
trust-based network is a rather uncommon evolutionary pathway.
A possible example of this is the development of banking systems
within Scotland, which emerged from heterogeneous small-scale
financial competition into a locally-institutionalized system with
many local and culturally specific characteristics.
(5) The shift from an industrial complex to something more akin
to a pure agglomeration may be characteristic of the transition
of industries previously dominated by an oligopolistic protective
contract-based organizational system to a more openly competi-
tive environment. Some observers contend that global competi-
tion and technological change will drive these types of transitions
in the Boston Route 128 electronics industry (Saxenian 1994),
and the same may also be taking place in the Los Angeles
defence contracting and electronics industry (Scott 1991).
(6) The evolution from an industrial complex to even larger scale
industrial complexes is obviously characteristic of industries
such as petrochemicals and pharmaceuticals. However, it is also
characteristic of many sectors of the electronics and semiconduc-
tor industry such as those based primarily in Japan (Arita and
McCann 2002; McCann et al. 2002; McCann and Arita 2006) and
'Silicon Glen' in Scotland (McCann 1997).
(7) The move from an industrial complex to a competence-based
network is a very rare evolutionary trajectory. One example is
perhaps represented by the case of Nokia's domestic networks in
the south of Finland (Ali-Yrkkö 2001).
(8) Similarly, the transition from an industrial complex to a trust-
based network is also an uncommon type of spatial/industrial
dynamics. However, a possible illustration of this is the develop-
ment of a highly localized TV, film and media industry in West
London, the logic of which is driven primarily by competition for
contracts with the BBC. Many of the executives of the compa-
nies emerged from the BBC itself after the UK TV industry was
deregulated during the 1980s onwards.
(9) The most recent stages of development in the Silicon Valley
semiconductor industry - with particular reference to some sub-
components of semiconductor and electronics - would appear to
be characteristic of the shift from primarily a competence-based
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