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goes according to plan, so do not neglect this checkpoint to evaluate what has been learned
and apply that experience to the rest of the project.
Production-sized migration test needed!
Before you can begin the production migration, you need to make
sure that you complete a migration of an environment that is the
same size as your production environment. This can be completed in
the sandbox or QA environments, or you can even complete a dry
run in the production environment using the downtime-minimized
QA environment
In many ways, this phase of the project is a dress rehearsal for the final push to production.
Migration and upgrade of the QA environment should be the longest overall phase of the
DMO project and will typically take six to twelve weeks. The QA migration is the longest
because at least two migration and test cycles should be planned as this is the final step
before the migration to production. As such, this is the last chance to identify and resolve
issues with the upgrade to BW 7.4 and the migration to HANA, so extra care must be taken
to mitigate every possible risk before moving to production.
The DMO runbook developed during the Dev upgrade and migration must be applied to
this migration, and every effort must be made to refine and expand the runbook.
Runbook, runbook, runbook!
By this point, the importance of the runbook should be obvious, but
it bears repeating that the runbook can make or break the project. If
the runbook is not sufficiently detailed so as to include every pos-
sible issue, how will the core team remember the solutions they dis-
covered in earlier parts of the project?
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