Database Reference
In-Depth Information
9. In SUM for DMO, continue with the configuration workflow (Phase 2). Perform the
following steps:
a. Enter parameters using advanced strategy in expert mode.
b. Enter procedure parameters.
c. Specify automated batch job distribution.
d. Specify NO limit to memory usage.
e. Specify SGEN approach and number of processes.
10. In SUM for DMO, continue with the configuration workflow (Phase 2). Perform the
following steps:
a. Enter SID, host, and system number for HANA DB.
b. Enter license keys.
c. Enter DB user system password.
d. Enter path to hdbinst.
e. Enter LABEL.ASC directory.
f. Enter DBACOCKPIT user password.
g. Enter SAPSID user password.
11. Exit the SUM for DMO user interface.
12. Install the HANA client and add the path d:\usr\sap\<SID>\hdbclient.
13. Copy the library D:\usr\sap\<SID>\hdbclient \libSQLDBCHDB.dll to the directory
D:\usr\sap \N4S\SUM\abap\exe_2nd to avoid follow-up R3load errors.
14. Restart the SUM for DMO user interface to make the HDB client available.
15. In SUM for DMO, continue with the configuration workflow (Phase 2). Perform the
following steps:
a. Select add-ons ST-A/PI and PCAI_ENT.
b. Enter IS keyword 3668936 .
c. Select additional add-ons ST-PI.
d. Enter a change request for SAP Notes.
e. Repeat phase in case of errors.
16. In SUM for DMO, continue with the configuration workflow (Phase 2). Perform the
following steps:
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