Geology Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 9.6.
(a) One of the Kwaterski Rocks, northwestern Eyre Peninsula, South Australia, with saucer-
shaped depressions on recently cleared platform. (b) Another of the Kwaterski Rocks, showing
depressions and shallow fracture-controlled cleft or Kluftkarren.
platforms that serve as catchments. On exposure, the weathering front is seen to be dimpled and
grooved due to the development, beneath the regolith cover, of shallow, saucer-shaped depressions
and linear channels (Figs 9.6a and b). At some sites many small, comparatively shallow, pits have
developed in close proximity to one another, so that the basins are separated by knife-edged
ridges. Together they look like a choppy sea, or the surface of a meringue.
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