Geology Reference
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Figure 1.2.
(a) and (b) Jessen's sketches of inselberg landscapes in Angola (Jessen, 1936). (c) Sketch of mor-
ros near Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (Branner, 1896).
Granitic landforms and terrains have excited the interest of geologists, geographers and geomor-
phologists for more than two centuries, resulting in a voluminous journal literature and brilliant
sketches (Fig. 1.2). Boulders and pediments, bornhardts and basins, sheet structures and tafoni,
and several other features characteristic of granite exposures, have generated discussion in several
languages (Reusch, 1883; Popoff and Kvelberg, 1937; Matschinski, 1954). Inselbergs are spectac-
ular landscape features, so much so that they have merited a special issue of the Zeitschrift für
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