Geology Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 6.17. Contrasted fracture densities between upland and plains shown in excavations at (a) Ucontitchie
Hill, northwestern Eyre Peninsula, South Australia.
(8 and 9), there is irrefutable evidence that some minor features characteristicof granite domes have
been initiated at the w eathering front. Thus, excavations at the margins of several inselbergs on
northwestern Eyre Peninsula, South Australia, show that both basins and gutters are developed at the
weathering front. In their account of the exposure of the Ebaka Quarry, south Cameroon, Boyé and
Fritsch (1973), record that the ne wly exposed domical surface is scored b y gutters and basins.
Here, and on Eyre Peninsula, South Australia, there is no possibility of the forms having developed
subaerially and then been buried, for the overlying material is grus in situ .
6.4.4 Flared slopes and stepped inselbergs
Many of the inselbergs of southern Australia display steepened, or flared, basal slopes. There is
convincing evidence that flared slopes are a particular form of the weathering front. They are initiated
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