Databases Reference
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2 Click the Columns tab to confirm that the needed columns are present. Add,
delete, or replace columns as necessary. Repeat these steps for each source and
target in the job, as needed. For details about updating column metadata, click
the Help button on the Columns tab.
3 In the Process Designer window, select the first transformation in the flow, then
select File ￿ Properties from the menu bar. A properties window displays.
4 Update the transformation as necessary to achieve the purpose of the job. Be sure
to display the Mapping tab for the transformation to be sure that data flows
correctly through the transformation. As needed, repeat these steps for each
transformation in the job, working in a source-to-target direction. For details
about updating mapping metadata, click the Help button on the Mapping tab.
When all metadata in the job is correct, the next task is to run the job.
Run the Job
After the metadata for a job is complete, you must submit the job for execution in
order to create targets on the file system. With the job displayed in the Process Designer
window, select Process ￿ Submit from the menu bar. SAS Data Integration Studio
generates code for the job and submits the code to a SAS application server. The server
executes the code. A pop-up window is displayed to indicate that the job is running.
The next task is to check the log.
Check the Log
If a job executes and a pop-up error message appears, or if you simply want to look at
the log for the completed job, follow these steps:
1 Click the Log tab in the Process Designer window.
2 In the Log tab, scroll through the SAS log information that was generated during
the execution of the job. (The code that was executed for the job is available in the
Source Code tab of the Process Designer window. The source code is continuously
updated as you make changes to the job, and it is checked and updated as
necessary when you submit the job.)
3 If you find errors in the source code for a step, select the corresponding
transformation in the process flow diagram, then select File ￿ Properties from
the menu bar. A properties window displays.
4 Correct the metadata and resubmit the job until there are no more errors.
5 After the job runs without error, save the job. Select File ￿ Save from the menu
For more information about evaluating logs, see “Using SAS Logs to Analyze Process
Flows” on page 189.
The next task is to verify that the job created the correct output.
Verify Job Outputs
After the job runs without error and has been saved, you should confirm that the
targets contain the data you need, in the format that best communicates the purpose of
the targets.
1 To view the data for a target in the job process flow diagram, select the desired
target, then select View ￿ View Data from the menu bar. The data in the target
is displayed. Confirm that the correct data is displayed and that the data is
correctly formatted for the purpose of the target.
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