Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Oxwich Bay was declared a National Nature Reserve in 1963 when the Nature Conservancy entered
intoanaturereserve agreement withthePenrice Estate tomanage themajorpartofthebay.Subsequently
the reserve has been expanded twice, firstly to include Oxwich Wood, leased from another landowner,
and then Crawley Wood, which was purchased in 1969. The reserve now covers over 260 hectares. In
the same year the first Nature Conservancy Warden in Gower, R. H. S. (Pip) Hatton, was appointed (Fig.
168). Hatton also acted, in a voluntary capacity, as Scientific Officer for what was then the Glamorgan
County Naturalists' Trust.
consortium of the National Trust, the Nature Conservancy and the Naturalists' Trust. Because of this, and
in order to manage the area, the Whiteford Burrows Advisory Committee was created, being comprised
of members nominated by the constituent bodies. The Committee is still in being and meets regularly to
oversee management of the area.
FIG 167. Worms Head from Tears Point. This stretch of coast was declared in 1958 as the second National Nature
Reserve in Wales, after Snowdonia's Cwm Idwal. (Jonathan Mullard)
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