Environmental Engineering Reference
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Belowthelichenzonethemajorityoftheshoreisencrustedwiththeacornbarnacles Chthamalus stel-
latus and C. montagui , together with limpets. These grade into a lower zone dominated by the barnacle
Semibalanus balanoides . In both of these zones there may be extensive common blue mussel beds within
crevices and in areas between the bedrock. Lower down the shore mussels become even more dominant
and can cover whole platforms. There are areas free of mussels, however, and in these serrated wrack
occurs together with an understorey of red seaweeds. The species found in this understorey vary depend-
ing on the distance from low water and whether sand is present on the lower shore. High on the shore
pepper dulse Osmundea pinnatifida occurs along with carragheen Mastocarpus stellatus , which has been
used from about 1830 in herbal medicine as a treatment for lung complaints. Towards the lower shore
moresand-tolerantredseaweedscanbefoundsuchastheredrosegrassweed Rhodothamniella floridula ,
which forms distinct mats. Small hummocks of grass weed may also contain other smaller red and brown
algae and species of worm and amphipod may burrow into the mat. Where sand scour is more severe,
it may be rare or absent and ephemeral green seaweeds such as grasskelp Enteromorpha spp. and laver
Porphyra umbilicalis dominate the substratum.
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