Biology Reference
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Provided with rich information about biochemical reactions and gene regulation, availability of var-
ious biological databases, building an integrative model of the whole cell (virtual cell modelling) that
incorporates gene regulation, metabolic reactions and signal transductions is becoming a promising field
in the post-genomic era. Several projects have been established. The challenge created with Petri nets
is to understand how all the cellular proteins work collectively as a living system. Using powerful Petri
nets and computer techniques, data of metabolic pathways, gene regulatory networks and signalling
pathways could be converted for Petri net applications. Thus, a Petri net based virtual cell model could
be implemented, and the attempt to understand the logic of the cell could be accomplished.
The work was partly supported by the Ministry of Science and Art of the Government of Sachsen-
Anhalt, and by the German Research Foundation (DFG) graduate program “Bioinformatics” in the
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Chen, M. (2002). Modelling and Simulation of Metabolic Networks: Petri Nets Approach and Perspective. In : Modelling
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Chen, M., Freier, A., Koehler, J. and Rueegg, A. (2002). The Biology Petri Net Markup Language. In: Lecture Notes in
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David, R. and Alla, H. (1992). Petri Nets and Grafcet - Tools for Modeling Discrete Event Systems. Prentice Hall.
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Genrich, H., Kueffner, R. and Voss, K. (2001). Executable Petri Net Models for the Analysis of Metabolic Pathways.
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Goss, P. J. E. and Peccoud, J. (1999). Analysis of the stabilizing effect of Rom on the genetic network controlling ColE1
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Hochstrasser, M. (1996). Protein degradation or regulation: Ub the judge. Cell 84 , 813-815.
Hofestaedt, R. and Thelen, S. (1998). Quantitative modeling of Biochemical Networks. In Silico Biol. 1 , 39-53.
Hofestaedt, R., Lautenbach, K. and Lange, M. (2000a). Modellierung und Simulation Metabolischer Netzwerke: DFG-
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Hofestaedt, R., Mischke, U. and Scholz, U. (2000b). Knowledge acquisition, management and representation for the
diagnostic support in human inborn errors of metabolism.
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Hucka, M., Finney, A., Sauro, H. and Bolouri, H. (2001). Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) Level 1: Structures
and Facilities for Basic Model Definitions, pp. 30-33.
Kauert, R., Toepel, T., Scholz, U. and Hofestaedt, R. (2001). Information System for the Support of Research, Diagnosis
and Therapy of Inborn Metabolic Diseases.
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Kohn, M. and Letzkus, W. (1983). A Graph-theoretical Analysis of Metabolic Regulation. J. Theor. Biol.
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Kurt, J. (1997). Coloured Petri Nets - Basic Concepts, Analysis Methods and Practical Use, In: EATCS Monographs on
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Markram, H., Roth, A. and Helmchen, F. (1998).
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Matsuno, H., Doi, A., Drath, R. and Miyano, S. (2001). Genomic Object Net: Basic Architecture for Representing and
Simulating Biopathways. In: RECOMB 2001, April 2001.
Matsuno, H., Doi, A., Nagasaki, M. and Miyano, S. (2000). Hybrid Petri net Representation of Gene Regulatory Network.
Pac. Symp. Biocomput. 5 , 338-349.
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