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this condition is met. Since the choice of s and t was arbitrary, the condition is met for all pairs of s and
t .
Now let's suppose that the condition from the lemma is met. In that case for any chosen s and t , the
following is true:
( W ( t ,s )
W ( s, t )) W ( s, t ) .
M ( s )+
s )
( A
The value of the left-hand side of Eq. (1) is the smallest reachable marking of s , before t is fired,
when firing the transitions from A in marking M . Since the choice of s was arbitrary, t will be fireable
regardless of the firing order of transitions in A . And, since the choice of t was also arbitrary, this
reasoning applies to all transitions in A . Therefore A is non-conflicting.
To avoid the exponential growth of the size of formula, we use the condition from Lemma 1 to express
that a set is non-conflicting. But instead of writing a single sub-formula for every possible subset of
T , we quantify over variables t 1 , ... , t n , which correspond to transitions in T . There are 2 n
valuations of these variables and each valuation represents a different subset A
T .
That is t i = 1
A .
Note that, depending on the context, t i and s j denote either variables or elements of the net.
A condition for a marking to be a stationary is expressed by the following stationary state( s 1 , ... , s m )
t i
t 1 ,...,t n ( t 1 1
t n 1) case ( s 1 ,...,s m ,t 1 ,...,t n ) balance ( t 1 ,...,t n ) .
Below we use
1 i m p ( s i )
1 j n p ( t j )
as a shorthand for p ( s 1 )
p ( s m ) and p ( t 1 )
p ( t n ) , respectively. For instance, Eq. (2) can be
rewritten as:
t 1 ,...,t n
n t j 1
case ( s 1 ,...,s m ,t 1 ,...,t n ) balance ( t 1 ,...,t n ) .
The subformula balance ( t 1 , ... , t n ) is standing for:
1 i m ( t 1 ( s i )
t 1 + ... + t n ( s i )
t n =0) .
The intuition for balance ( t 1 , ... , t n ) is that transitions belonging to the set determined by the valuation
of t 1 , ... , t n must have balance equal to 0. The size of the formula is proportional to |
| .
Note that t j ( s i ) may be of negative value. However this is not a problem because the negative values
can be moved to the right-hand side of the equality predicate.
The formula case ( s 1 , ... , s m , t 1 , ... , t n ) is more complicated. Its intended meaning is that in the
marking determined by valuation of variables s 1 , ... , s m , the set of transitions determined by valuation
of variables t 1 , ... , t n is a case. To guarantee that the latter set is maximal, we introduce additional
t 1 , ... , t n ∈{ 0, 1 } , such that for i
t i .
∈{ 1, ... , n
} , t i
The valuation of the newly
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