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2. σ>s , i.e. the circle cuts its contour line beyond the constraint boundary.
The angle α is π
( ξ + ϑ ). In the triangle of β and ξ it holds ξ = π/ 2
β ,
we get α = β + π/ 2
arccos( d/σ ). Hence, the success probability is
( p s ) σ>d,σ>s = α/ (2 π )= β/ (2 π )+( π/ 2
arccos( d/σ )) / (2 π )
Again, for 0 <d/σ< 1, it holds 0 < arccos( d/σ ) <π/ 2 and as we postulated
β = π/ 2, we get
( p s ) σ>d,σ>s < 1 / 2 .
As ( p s ) σ>d,σ<s
( p s ) σ>d,σ>s for a small distance d or a big step size σ ,we
can assert the asymptotic behavior
( p s ) σ>d
β/ (2 π )for d/σ
Furthermore, ( p s ) σ>d decreases for smaller β .
Example 7.2. We give an example to illustrate the success rate situation. We
assume that β = π/ 4and d/σ =1 / 2. As 2 d> ( d/ sin β ), we have to consider the
case σ>s . The success rate becomes ( p s ) σ>d,σ>s =5 / 24. As the probability for
a small step size ( p s ) σ<d =1 / 2 is much bigger, it will in particular be preferred
by a self-adaptive mechanism.
We continue to prove the step size reduction for our (1+1)-EA. As the optimum
lies at the constraint boundary, the EA will encounter the latter, σ>d .Theorem
7.3 describes the behavior of the (1+1)-EA at the constraint boundary by stating
the expected mutation change E ( γ ) in each iteration, lemma 7.1 provides a
quantitative analysis stating the success rate ( p s ) σ>d , in the following denoted
as p .
Theorem 7.3 (Premature Step Size Reduction). Let f be a linear fitness
function and g a linear constraint boundary with angle β<π/ 2 between f and
g. In the vicinity of the constraint boundary σ>d, the above modeled (1+1)-
EA with γ> 1 + (tan β ) reduces its step size σ in each iteration by E ( γ )=
p )
< 1 with p< 1 / 2 .
Proof. We distinguish two states Γ 1 and Γ 2 for an individual X t in the neigh-
borhood of the constraint boundary, σ>d .
1. Γ 1 denotes the situation that a successful mutation was produced, i.e.
f ( X t + σ t Z t ) <f ( X t )
g ( X t + σ t Z t )=0.
2. Γ 2 denotes the failure f ( X t + σ t Z t ) >f ( X t )
g ( X t + σ t Z t ) > 0. Lemma 7.1
shows that the probability for a success is small, at most smaller than 1 / 2
and converges to β/ (2 π )for d/σ
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