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Λ 1 2 < ...<Λ n− 1 , which are saved in the strategy part Σ ζ , the offspring is
produced in the following way:
o i = p j− 1 modulo n
for Λ j <i
Λ j +1
with Λ 0 =1and Λ n +1 = l . U-Scan is the multi-parent variant of uniform
crossover. The idea is to assign each of the offspring's gene position randomly
with one of the parent's genes at the same position. Self-adaptive U-Scan (SA-U-
Scan) saves the parent j , from which to take the gene for every position i . Hence,
Σ ζ
=( Λ 1 ,...Λ ζ N )with1
is a N-dimensional vector of integers Σ ζ
Λ ζ
ρ .
SA-U-Scan produces new solutions as follows:
o i = p Λ i
OB-scan performs a majority decision, the most frequent gene of all parents at
a position determines the gene of the offspring at the same position. Thus, this
operator cannot be equipped with self-adaptation.
Self-Adaptive Partially Mapped Crossover
Partially mapped crossover (PMX) was designed for TSP by Goldberg and Lingle
[48] and enhanced by Whitley [159]. The PMX works as follows:
Choose two parents p 1 and p 2 ,
choose two crossover points Λ 1 and Λ 2 ,
copy the segment between Λ 1 and Λ 2 from p 1 to offspring o 1 ,
put all genes of p 2 in this segment which have not been copied into set
look for the corresponding locus in parent p 1 and
copy l to this position if free. If this position is not free, recursively repeat
the process until a free position can be found,
for each element l of
fill the empty loci with genes from corresponding loci of p 2 .
We extend the PMX to self-adaptive partially mapped crossover (SA-PMX). SA-
PMX keeps the crossover points Λ 1 and Λ 2 in the strategy part Σ and evolves
them during the optimization process [74]. We use the best inheritance heuristic
to determine the strategy set Σ ζ , i.e. ζ = argmax j, 1 ≤j≤ρ f ( p j ). Self-adaptation
is only possible if the strategy variables are modified with the genetic operators.
We propose to use meta-EP mutation for the crossover points.
Experimental settings
Population model
steady state, (100,200)
Mutation type
inversion mutation, σ =3 , 5 , 25
Crossover type
Selection type
fitness proportional
500,2000,3000 generations
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