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Fig. 21.5 Student-generated HyLighter-enhanced 3D CMAP
appreciation of the logic and complexity of interrelationships was impressive.
Sometimes it was disappointing to see the oversimplification of information from
readings and connections with the theoretical framework. However this feedback
was important for planning my teaching for the next semester—more frequently and
explicitly highlighting the complexities and interrelationships. Also, subsequently I
stopped uploading long, technical chapters in HyLighter because students found
their annotation tedious and too time consuming. Conversely, students enjoyed
annotating the short case studies.
Another illuminating observation was that while most students mastered the req-
uisite technologies for this project, some students were overwhelmed by them, in
part because they had limited experience with computers and did not have them at
home. These students were allowed to create a hand-drawn concept map and tell
about connections between the readings and the BACEIS model. The Digital Divide
persists, and affected the performance of some students on this project.
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