Game Development Reference
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The melee item class
The melee item class will have similar properties and functions as the self item class.
What is different about the two is that the functions don't affect the player, but other
GameObjects. Also, the way we activate the item is different.
To get started, create a new script and name it itemMelee . We'll start our script by
adding some variables, similar to the ones we used in the itemSelf class.
Adding our variables
First, we'll add a couple of enum variables:
public enum MeleeAction {BuffDebuff, ChangeHP,
ActivateEnv, None};
public enum MeleeType {Weapon, Potion, None};
The MeleeAction enum will decide what the melee item does. Since melee items
can interact with various GameObjects, its actions will vary just as much as it can.
The MeleeType enum will determine whether the player uses a weapon, potion, or
no items. Now, let's add the rest of our variables in:
public int Amount, Value;
public float Weight;
public string Name, Stat;
public MeleeAction meleeAction =
public MeleeType meleeType = MeleeType.None;
As you can see, the variables are similar to the ones we used in our itemSelf class;
our only major differences are the different names for our Type and Action enums.
Buff or debuff stats
The first function that we'll add to our melee item will allow melee items to modify the
stats of other objects. Add this function to the script:
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