Game Development Reference
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Here, we check whether the current time passed in-game is greater than the value of
the SpawnTime variable plus the PreviousTime variable. SpawnTime is the vari-
able that we use to spawn the damage report. PreviousTime will be set later; this
is used to mark the previous time we showed the damage report.
When the current time passed is greater than SpawnTime and PreviousTime to-
gether, we show the damage report. We first set the text of TextMesh to the value
of the damage variable. Then, we set its alpha value to one; this is so that the player
can see it on the screen.
Afterwards, we check whether HasChanged is false. If it is false, then we subtract
the health with our Damage variable. We then run the ChangeBar function. Time to
look at the next timer:
if(Time.time > (KillTime + PreviousTime))
DamageReport.text = "";
txtColor.a = 0;
PreviousTime = Time.time;
HasChanged = false;
The if statement is similar to the previous timer, but we check with KillTime in-
stead of SpawnTime . KillTime is what we'll use to hide the damage report. Within
the if statement in the first line, we set the text of TextMesh to an empty value. For
good measure, we set the alpha value of TextMesh to zero to hide it.
After this, we set the PreviousTime variable to the current time passed in-game.
This will represent the last time damage report in the game. Finally, we set the
HasChanged variable to false.
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