Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Adding the Reset function
The reset function will use our SetDefaultValues() function as well as reset a
couple of our other variables:
void Reset()
ShowPopup = false;
PreviousKey = KeyCode.None;
Here, we call our SetDefaultValues() function, and then reset some other vari-
ables. Resetting the ShowPopup Boolean and our PreviousKey KeyCode will en-
sure that everything related to customization of controls has been reset.
Adding the Reset input
Now, we'll make a GUI button that will call the Reset function. Add this just before
the line of code that ends the GUI group in the OnGUI() function's if statement:
if(GUI.Button(new Rect(230, 370, 135, 20),
"Reset Controls"))
When the player clicks on this button, the controls will be set to their default values.
Here is the finished product of the script that you just created:
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