Game Development Reference
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Final preparations
Now, we will add our final features to make this game complete.
Adding win conditions
Right now, the game is playable, but there is no way to win! Let's change that by cre-
ating a new empty GameObject and naming it RoundManager . Next, create a new
C# script, name it WinConditions , and add this code to the script:
public int Enemies;
void Start ()
GameObject[] e =
Enemies = e.Length;
void Update ()
if(Enemies <= 0)
if(Application.loadedLevel != 3)
Application.LoadLevel(Application.loadedLevel +
What this script will do is get a count of how many enemies there are in the scene
and use that information to decide whether the player wins. In the Start function, we
grab the amount of enemies and assign it to the int variable we created. In the Up-
date function, we check that there are no more enemies left. In our game, when you
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