Game Development Reference
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audio.volume = bgVolume;
ranMax = SongList.Count;
void Update()
In the Start function, we assign the volume of AudioSource to our volume vari-
able. Next, we set the maximum value to the variable for our random function to the
amount of songs that we have in our list. In the Update function, we call the func-
tions that actually play the music. To do this, we check the bool variable that we
created earlier to decide which system to use.
An added feature we can place in our script will allow us to play a single song re-
peatedly. Add this function to the script:
void PlayRepeat(AudioClip Song)
audio.clip = Song;
audio.loop = true;
This function will take the AudioClip value, which will be the song to be played.
Next, we assign the song to AudioSource , set its looping property to true , and
finally, play it.
The last feature that we will add to our script will allow us to change the speed of the
song by using the pitch property. Add this function to the script:
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